Ascend on Demand
Journey to the Best Version of YOU!
In his inimitable style, Executive Coach Ed DeCosta will skillfully guide you through the five levels of transforming your life. This program offers guidance, support, and live accountability, all geared toward helping you become the very best version of you! The Ascend on Demand Course includes 13 coaching lessons, live accountability calls, and exclusive access to the Ascend on Demand private Facebook group.
Ed DeCosta
Welcome to Ascend on Demand!
Lesson 01-Why Am I Here?
Lesson 02-The Best Version of You
Lesson 03-Provisioning for Success
Lesson 04-Believe It Then See It
Lesson 05-The Power of the Plan
Lesson 06-Making Momentum
Lesson 07-Halftime
Lesson 08-Attitude First
Lesson 09-Feeding the Flowers
Lesson 10-Tuning Your Engine
Lesson 11-Stoking Your Flame
Lesson 12-Serving Your Purpose
Lesson 13-Continuing the Transformation